Founded in 1988 by professional musician, Roma Randles, LINGUA MUSICA connects music lovers wishing to experience more out of travel than sim ply visiting different cities. Each year, tours visit different parts of Europe for cultural tours around a theme. MORE
THE ARRAU HERITAGE 'A LIFE IN MUSIC, RUTH NYE AND THE ARRAU HERITAGE' by Roma Randles Roma Randles gives an insightful account of the lives of both Australian concert pianist and eminent music educator, RUTH NYE, MBE, FRCM and the important heritage of the great Chilean maestro, CLAUDIO ARRAU. She discusses how their musical worlds overlapped professionally and personally for some thirty years. Several distinguished international musicians have also contributed to this book, which contains accounts of lectures and Ruth Nye's perspectives on the training of musicians , as well as marvellous photos. The UNBROKEN musical heritage going right back from Ruth Nye, through Claudio Arrau, Franz Liszt, Martin Krause, Czerny and Beethoven to 18thc Joseph Haydn ... is indeed a unique and incredibly important heritage. Lingua Musica's 2013 tour, "IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF CLAUDO ARRAU" will be strongly associated with this book. |